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A disciple is a student or follower who learns a way of life from a master.  Jesus was the ultimate discipler (Mark 3:13-15).  He trained his followers by intensive teaching, modeling, coaching and delegation.  Christian discipleship is a way of life that learns to follow Jesus.
     For the Christian disciple, Jesus is Lord.  Disciples learn to live in a way that pleases their master (Gal 6:2). Following Jesus daily does not happen by accident.  It takes discipline and effort as disciples look to Jesus in faith and train for godliness (Hebrews 12:1-2, I Timothy 4:7-8).
Christian discipleship happens in the local church.  Discipleship starts with the formal teaching and preaching of God’s Word and works it’s way out to every part of the body of Christ.  In the family of God brothers and sisters commit to work together and to encourage, model, and challenge each other to follow Jesus (Hebrews 3:12-13, Colossians 3:16).

     The goal of discipleship is to produce mature followers of Jesus who can share the gospel and help new believers to follow Jesus (Colossians 1:24-29, 2 Timothy 2:1-2).  This culture of discipleship naturally leads a church to carry out Jesus’ mission for the church.

Men's Breakfast

First Saturday Morning of the Month  | 8:00 am

Come hungry, guys, and bring friends! ​ Our men's breakfasts are held at Faith OPC.


It's free of charge, donations accepted.


If you have any questions, contact Pastor Andrew Barshinger or call the church office at


Sunday School

Lord's Day Morning | 10:00 am

Sunday School is not just for kids. For adults it can be the place where you really learn how to dig into the Word. Have you ever heard a Pastor say something or reference a passage of scripture that left you scratching your head in wonder? You can’t stand up in the service to ask him to clarify. Sunday School is the place where you can dialog and interact with others about the scriptures. Since the class size is usually smaller than worship, it is a safe place to ask questions, express doubts and get clarification on things that may confuse you.


Sunday School is also for kids! What a great way to begin training your children to love and obey God. We have some wonderful teachers who will gently lead your child in to the biblical truths that should guide us in our daily lives. Kids get to hear Bible stories and learn how to apply the lessons of the past to the problems and concerns in their lives--all while making friends and having fun. 


Consider joining us for Sunday School at 10 AM each Sunday to enhance the experience of your Lord's Day.

Senior Book Club

Growth Groups

Growth groups at Faith Church are an important way to fulfill our calling as a burden bearing, praying, serving and encouraging church family. The groups spend time in worship, studying the Bible, praying for one another, practicing discipleship (prayerfully speaking God’s word to others) and providing a context for people to develop and use their gifts to serve others. Groups provide a way for members and new people to readily become an active part of the Faith community.

Women's Ministry

We, the Women of Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church, seek to honor and glorify Christ by uniting in ministry, serving in and through His love, and encouraging one another toward love and good deeds for the sake of the Gospel Message.

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Homeschool Co-op

LEARN is a cooperative learning opportunity for children starting pre-K through 12th grade. Its mission is to assist and support parents in the training of their children with supplementary and enrichment classes. LEARN is run by a volunteer board and the Session of Faith OPC.



09:45 AM Sunday School

11:00 AM Morning Worship

06:00 PM Evening Worship



545 Daretown Road

Elmer, NJ 08318 



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