This mission of the church is to proclaim that Jesus is Lord, baptizing those who accept his salvation and disciple them to follow Jesus. (Matthew 28:18-20) The church is to bring glory to Jesus by telling people about Jesus. As the Holy Spirit works salvation and new believers join Jesus’ church, lives are transformed and God gets the glory.
This mission means that the church is a sending church and a going church. The church sends out missionaries and evangelists to preach the gospel. But that is not all. The people of the church also go out each week to practice “everyday evangelism.” All believers are to witness to the people in their life what the Lord has done for them (Mark 5:19).
Prison Ministry
The world uses prison as a physical punishment, but God can use confinement for refinement and focus on Him. Most of the men in the prison we visit are there for a reason: they have been convicted of committing a crime. Hitting rock bottom is often what pushes many offenders to take an honest look at their lives and cry out to God for mercy. And God is ready to give it. Mercy isn't just for those outside of prison walls, just as sinfulness isn't just for those who are inside those walls. Mercy is needed for all of us. We all know what it’s like to be in bondage to be imprisoned by our sin and foolishness apart from Christ.
As members of this body of believers, we see ourselves as imperfect representatives who bring God's mercy to those who may see things as hopeless. Once a month, a group of men travel to a local prison to share the Gospel with these men. Relationships are being formed as God's Word is shared. Through conversation, we learn the needs and desires of these men and are able to pray for them, showing them the love of Christ. To learn more about our ministry to inmates, please speak with one of the elders.
Kingdom Prayers
Kingdom PRAYers is a group of members at Faith Church who covenant to pray through a list of requests specifically geared toward kingdom growth at Faith Church.
Anyone may submit prayer requests for specific individuals to come to know the Lord or return to active participation in a faithful church. Good examples of people to pray for would be co-workers, neighbors, family members, acquaintances.
The prayer should have a specific request. Using a scripture verse is a great way to do this! Please also include the relationship of the person to you. For example: "Pray for Ross that God would wake him up spiritually and that he would 'fight the good fight of the faith.' I Timothy 6:12 (Friend of Ginny Merckx)"